I have two little girls. R is four-years-old and absolutely brilliant. She makes me feel confident about my choice to homeschool because she is so far advanced for her age. She is currently reading at a third-grade level and doing first-grade work for everything else. C is two and already following in her big sister's footsteps. She knows almost all of her letters and numbers and is beginning to learn the letter sounds and how to count more accurately. We're still working on colors and shapes though. ;)
I consider our homeschooling to have begun the day Ruby was born. We don't "do school" during certain hours of the day. We live school. We learn and explore and ask questions and find answers all day long.
I'll state the obvious here, (because you're going to find out soon enough,) I am NOT perfect and I definitely DON'T know everything. Far from it, in fact. :) I have plenty of ideas and theories, but I'm learning as I go. A lot of what I do is trial and error. But my passion and enthusiasm for this work is what keeps me moving forward as I try to glean true principles of intelligence.